Sapien Medicine

Aura of Opportunity

2dDR Hair Regrowth Solution - Sapien Medicine

The All Purpose Anxiety Removal

Lucky to be Healthy

Attract your Desire

Mr Lucky Wealth

Fungus Destroyer by Sapien Medicine (Experimental) Energetic and Morphic Programmed Audio

Sinus, Throat and Upper Respiratory Help by Sapien Medicine

Face Lift and Facial Toning Ver 2.0 - Sapien Medicine

Stomach Shrinking and Toning (Psychic/Morphic programmed audio) by Sapien Medicine

The Magnetic Lady

Lucky in Loving Relationships

Virus Disruption ver. 2.0 by Sapien Medicine

Remove that Fear of Failure

Posture Help with Atlas Adjustment by Sapien Medicine (Energetically Programmed Audio)

Remove the Scarcity Mindset

Overcome Any Addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing by Sapien Medicine

Collagen Booster ver. 2.0 by Sapien Medicine

Lymphatic System Blockage Removal and Enhanced Drainage by Sapien Medicine Ver2.0

Muscle Massage

Virus and Parasite Disruptor

Lung Restoration and Strengthening Ver 2.0 (Morphic Field) by Sapien Medicine

Pancreas Regeneration (energetically programmed audio) by Sapien Medicine

Core Strengthening by Sapien Medicine (Energetically/Morphic Programmed Audio)